The Board of Directors works from a policy governance model wherein the CEO and employees conduct the day-to-day operations of NBANH.
The composition of the board is comprised of two representatives from each of our seven regions. One of the representatives in each region must be an Administrator/CEO of a Nursing Home. The other representative must be a member of an individual Nursing Home’s board. The Executive positions on the Board of Directors include the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Board of Directors
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6
Region 7
Treasurer: Ron LeBlanc
Linda Shannon​
Yolande Jay
Geri Geldart
Amélie Deschênes
Diane Léger
Bruno Holmes
Josée Legresley
Gilberte Nowlan
Marion Long (Secretary)
Harry Eagles (Past President)
France L. Marquis
Chris Kingston
Pauline Roy (President)
If you have any questions for the NBANH Board of Directors, please communicate with Nicole Delamere, by email or by calling the NBANH office at (506) 460-6262.